jeudi 31 janvier 2008

ESL Teachers and cultural learning!

Welcome to everyone!
This blog is for ESL teachers and learners.
I would like to have any suggestions about cultural projects done in class or outside of school.
Please, feel free to add any comments about language learning :)
Enjoy and have a good one!

7 commentaires:

Janik a dit…

hello, i am a sec 4 student and i'd like to become an english teacher can you give me pieces of advice in order to be in touch with the English community.

Marie-Michelle a dit…

Dear Janik,
Depending on where you are located, there are a lot of opportunities in order to be in touch with the English community. Ask your school board for further information. I'm proud to here that you want to become an English teacher. Where do you want to study? Do you have any ideas?
Talk to you soon.

*MC* a dit…

Hello Marie-Michelle,
I am in your program and also a friend! I will try to post some interesting activities or ideas about teaching cultural learning in the following weeks.
See you soon,
MC ;)

Marie-Michelle a dit…

Hi MC,
Thank you for writing on my blog. During speak campus, one speaker presented a fun activity called the 4 corners. The students have to be separated in the four corners of the class, then, the teacher sticks something different on the 4 corners, ex: different fruits. Then, the teacher starts the music and the students have to go around the class and when the music stops, the teacher picks a fruit and the students who were in the selected corner are out. I tried it and it worked well :)
see you, Marie-Michelle

Marie-Michelle a dit…

Hi Everyone!!!
If you are interested, here is a great site where you can find free printable activities.

*MC* a dit…

Hello everyone!
Thank you very much Marie-Michelle for the website. I will certainly use in for my practicum. I also wanted to share with you another website that I found very interesting for teachers and for future teachers. There are many interesting things such as: printable worksheets, crossword maker, forums for teachers, classroom management section and many other things! I thought it could be interesting to share it with you. Enjoy!
Here is the address:
Have fun! ;)

Marie-Michelle a dit…

Thank you MC for your website!!!
I had a look at it, and it seems great!!! It is in fact very useful for future teachers, like me!! :)
Visit it all, it is very well done.
However, I think you have to subscribe if you want to have access to the activities.